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Certified Tutor
I am a graduate of Concordia College in Moorhead, Minnnesota. My degree is in French with a focus in Literature and Language. While in college, I spent a year abroad at the Université François Rabelais in Tours, France. While in France, I tutored English to French students, and while at Concordia I tutored French. I currently tutor all levels of French, as well as French culture, society and literature courses. I love working one-on-one with students to figure out their specific learning style, as languages lend themselves to many different teaching styles. Whether you learn best by using concrete formulas, by abstract theory, through music, art or games, you can learn French! In my spare time, I love movies, music, and theatre. I did theatre all through high school and college. I love acting and theatrical productions! I also worked at a radio station in college doing music programming. I'm also passionate about traveling.
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