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A photo of Allison, a tutor from Missouri State University


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When I was in 2nd grade I decided I loved school so much that I was going to do it forever by being a teacher. While that 7-year-old mindset has matured, the underlying passion has not changed. I have been teaching high school math for 11 years and still love engaging with students about the subject. Throughout those 11 years, I have had the privilege of working with many types of students with many different skill levels. I've loved these experiences because it has given me the opportunity to develop a large tool box of strategies when working with students. And even though I could teach 100 years and still have things to learn, I feel like I have a good armory of techniques to help any learner.

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Allison’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Missouri State University - Bachelor of Science, Math Education

State Certified Teacher

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