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A photo of Jeff, a tutor from Hofstra University


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I know there are people who say "Math is not my thing" or "I can't do math". I say they are wrong. It is my firm belief that anyone can become competent in math, just as anyone can learn how to drive. True, some are better than others and some pick it up quicker than others, but everyone can do it. It just takes someone to help guide you through its complexities. It takes someone who will take the time to identify the blockage points and allow understanding to come. There is nothing I enjoy more than working with students to clear those blockages and have them say "I get it!" instead of "I can't".

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Jeff’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Hofstra University - Bachelor of Science, Computer Science

Graduate Degree: Manhattanville College - Master of Arts Teaching, Mathematics Education

State Certified Teacher


Photography, woodworking

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