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A photo of Andrew, a tutor from William and Mary


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When I teach, I begin with the premise that anybody is capable of learning anything. From there, I learn as much as I can about what is being asked of the student, what the student wants to accomplish, what his or her unique learning style is, and what his or her parents want their child to achieve. Then, through a focused Socratic exchange, I work with the student to discover and utilize the intellectual abilities they've always possessed yet haven't fully explored, guiding them confidently to their personal and academic goals in a way that leaves the student invigorated and motivated to succeed.

I am never happier than when I am teaching. Whether it's helping a student through a difficult literary passage, reviewing the importance of grammar and mechanics, revising a writing assignment, or discussing philosophy, helping students achieve their dreams is always an uplifting and inspiring experience. But aside from the personal satisfaction I feel when I teach, I always ensure that my student comes away from a session a more confident, inquisitive, patient, articulate, and motivated individual whose will to learn and to achieve has grown beyond what he or she thought possible.

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Andrew’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: William and Mary - Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree: The Graduate Center, CUNY - PHD, English


Reading; Writing; Playing, writing, and performing music; Guitar; Bluegrass; Blues; Classical Music; Sailing; Pedagogy; Traveling; Movies; Theater

Tutoring Subjects

College English

College Essays

Comparative Literature


English Grammar and Syntax

Essay Editing

High School English




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