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A photo of Jessica, a tutor from University of North Alabama


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There are very few things that can excite me more than to watch the eyes of a student light up as the "I get it" moment happens. It is when the defeat turns to ability in their minds and it is fantastic. I have taught in middle school, high school and college settings. Classes taught have varied through the years, including Physical Science, Algebra I, Algebra II, Physics, Chemistry, and Bible. I believe the key to tutoring is in understanding the student. Each of us learns and communicates differently. For the student to succeed, the tutor must learn how the student thinks, teach to the student's learning style and develop the student's skills on how to learn in other ways as well.

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Jessica’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of North Alabama - Bachelor of Science, Math, Physics


i love to travel and learn about new cultures, playing just about any kind of ball, hiking

Tutoring Subjects


Algebra 2




College Algebra

College Biology

College Chemistry

College Physics

Competition Math


High School Biology

High School Chemistry

High School Physics



Middle School Math




Test Prep


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