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A photo of Audrey, a tutor from University of Illinois


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I have been a certified elementary teacher for 25+ years and have taught in the regular classroom, a cross categorical resource room, a computer-assisted Title I/Special Ed resource room, 6th grade math at the middle school level, and was a math instructional coach at the elementary level. I feel my experience with children with special needs in a resource room setting has given me the opportunity to assess where a student's needs/challenges are. Once the challenges are identified, an educational program can be developed to address those needs. I am technologically literate and relate well to my students.
I enjoy solving puzzles, especially word puzzles, and like to challenge my students with brain teasers to reach those higher levels of thinking. I am an avid reader, but like to exercise with good yoga stretches and Zumba. I believe spurts of physical activity are good for the brain and learning.

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Audrey’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Illinois - Bachelor of Science, Elementary Educ.

Graduate Degree: University of Arizona - Masters in Education, Special Education

State Certified Teacher


zumba, yoga, reading, cooking, word puzzles

Tutoring Subjects

College English

Elementary Math

Elementary School Math


High School English




Special Education

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