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Award-Winning SolidWorks Certification Training in New York City, NY

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Varsity Tutors is dedicated to providing you with access to exceptional New York City SOLIDWORKS certification training. There are 20 different SOLIDWORKS certifications to choose from which are grouped into 3 levels: Associate, Professional, and Expert. A few examples of certifications include the CSWA-Additive Manufacturing exam, the CSWPA-Drawing Tools exam, the CSWPA-Weldments test, and the CSWE - Mechanical Design exam. Regardless of which certification you are attempting to earn, you can receive study support for your test by enrolling in a New York City SOLIDWORKS certification course.

Live classes provide many advantages that are difficult to replicate when studying by yourself. First of all, the class sessions are conducted online, eliminating the time required for a commute. Online classes also feature the ability to attend class from a location of your preference including your home or a study spot such as the Grand Central Library. As long as you can connect to the Internet, you can log in from that location.

We understand that you likely have other engagements to work around while studying for SOLIDWORKS certification. That's why we try to eliminate as many roadblocks as possible during the enrollment process for New York City SOLIDWORKS certification training. You have an array of options at your disposal to make it easier for you to manage your calendar. To begin with, you have the choice between a two or four-week course, so you can factor the time period and workload into your decision to determine which best fits your schedule. New courses start on a monthly basis, meaning you won't have to wait long to begin learning. There are several course sections being conducted at one time, all with different hours and dates. This gives you considerable flexibility when it comes to finding the open space in your schedule. Ultimately, we hope that by providing you with these convenient options, we can alleviate many of the burdens of enrolling in a New York City SOLIDWORKS certification course.

The exams required for SOLIDWORKS certifications will test your ability to use SOLIDWORKS software in a variety of professional contexts. 3D design is now a major aspect of product development which is why earning SOLIDWORKS certification can go a long way in advancing your career. Only 2 of the 20 certifications have prerequisites: the CSWE - Mechanical Design exam and the CSWE - Simulation test. To be eligible for a CSWE certification, you must have passed the CSWP test as well as four CSWP advanced topic tests. Candidate must have passed the CSWA-S exam, the CSWP exam, and the CSWP-S exam in order to qualify for the CSWE-S exam.

The skills you will have to demonstrate vary with the exam, and each test covers a wide range of concepts. For example, during the CSWA exam, you will need to showcase your understanding of boss and cut features such as lofts, sweeps, resolves, and extrudes. However, for the CSWP test, you will need to create configurations by using a Design Table. Whichever certification you decide to pursue, you will have the proof that you possess the proper skills with Solidworks software to perform specific job tasks at a high level.

Each level of Solidworks certification differs in the amount of expertise you will need to have with the software in order to succeed on an exam. For example, a test at the Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate (CSWA) level such as the Platform Explorer Associate test, while still challenging, will not require the same depth of knowledge with Solidworks software when compared to a test at the Certified SOLIDWORKS Expert (CSWE) level such as the CSWE - Simulation exam. This is why the CSWE - Simulation exam includes prerequisites that tests at lower levels do not have.

A New York City SOLIDWORKS certification class can assist your preparation for any number of SOLIDWORKS certification exams through a variety of teaching methods. One of the most important features of our classes is that your study sessions will be led by an instructor who has expertise in the various applications of the Solidworks software. Your instructor can provide the class with extensive, real-time lectures about the content that you will need to understand to perform well on the exam. To begin each session, you will log in to the Live Learning Platform which features a virtual classroom complete with a digital whiteboard and live video chat. The students you will be studying with will all be striving for the same goal, creating a learning environment in which you can mentor each other and gain additional insight into important Solidworks topics. This interactive format can allow the instructor to introduce activities that can help you to learn concepts in a fun and engaging way.

A major benefit of your New York City SOLIDWORKS certification training is that your teacher can prompt class discussions regarding the information that you can expect to encounter on the exam which can be an excellent way to help you retain this material. It doesn't matter if you're going for an Associate level certification or vying for Expert certification. The classes offered by Varsity Tutors are designed with the goal of being as effective and efficient as possible.

Regardless of which SOLIDWORKS certification you happen to be pursuing, your instructor can walk you through a thorough review of the content specific to that test as well as the format of the exam. Furthermore, your teacher can give you advice on proper time management and how to avoid common mistakes that could negatively impact your overall score. Even though the time limit varies with each exam, you will still need to practice completing questions in the allotted time to make sure you're prepared for this element of the test.

Even if you feel comfortable with the material for your exam, there is still the possibility of encountering a question that might stump you. Your New York City SOLIDWORKS certification class instructor can introduce you to test-taking strategies to help you tackle this obstacle. Your teacher can provide you with practice questions to help you become more familiar with these types of challenges and give you the opportunity to learn how to employ an analysis of the question in order to give you a better chance to answer the question correctly. Test anxiety can be another hindrance that keeps you from performing to your potential on exams. Your instructor can give you tips on how to relieve some of the stress associated with taking the test. These are only a few examples of the test-taking techniques your instructor can help you to develop in order to make sure all of your bases are covered as the exam approaches. If you find yourself struggling with a particular aspect of the test, you can request a private meeting with your instructor to further address the topic of concern.

At Varsity Tutors, we recognize that professional certification can go a long way in advancing your career which why we work so hard to provide you with expert assistance in your pursuit of SOLIDWORKS certification. To find out more about our services, we encourage you to contact Varsity Tutors by phone or online. Our consultants can address your concerns and set you up with New York City SOLIDWORKS certification training that aligns with your needs.

SOLIDWORKS Certifications

  • CSWA - Mechanical Design
  • CSWA - Mechanical Design - Academic Version
  • CSWA-Simulation
  • CSWA-Additive Manufacturing
  • CSWA-Electrical
  • CSWA–Sustainability
  • Platform Explorer Associate
  • CSWP - Mechanical Design
  • CSWP - Mechanical Design - Academic Version
  • CSWP-Simulation
  • CSWP-Model Based Design
  • CSWPA-Drawing Tools
  • CSWPA-Mold Making
  • CSWPA-Sheet Metal
  • CSWPA-Surfacing
  • CSWPA-Weldments
  • Certified PDM Professional Administrator (CPPA)
  • CSWE - Mechanical Design
  • CSWE – Simulation

Contact us today to connect with a top New York City SolidWorks instructor