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A photo of Shamsuddin, a tutor from University of Karachi


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A committed and driven professional with more than a decade specializing in Cybersecurity, IT Audit, and Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC). Passionate about sharing knowledge and fostering skill development, I bring a results-oriented approach and a strong work ethic to the classroom. As a collaborative team player, I excel at engaging diverse learners, bridging theoretical concepts with practical applications, and empowering students to achieve their professional goals.

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Shamsuddin’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: University of Karachi - Master of Science, Computer Science


I have a deep passion for staying updated on the latest developments in cybersecurity, regularly following news, trends, and emerging technologies in the field. I enjoy exploring related topics through documentaries, movies, and TV shows that delve into the intersection of technology, security, and human behavior. Additionally, I am an avid reader of books and articles that provide insights into cybersecurity challenges and solutions. Outside of professional interests, I maintain an active lifestyle by playing sports, which not only keeps me energized but also fosters teamwork and strategic thinking.

Tutoring Subjects

Certified Information Systems Auditor

CISM - Certified Information Security Manager

CISSP - Certified Information Systems Security Professional

Technical Certifications

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