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A photo of Reuben, a tutor from Western Governors University


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I am deeply passionate about solving complex problems, mastering new technologies, and leading teams to success. With a mission to ensure the reliability, availability, and security of data systems and networks, I am dedicated to enabling organizations to operate efficiently and effectively. My approach combines technical expertise with leadership and a commitment to continuous learning, ensuring that both my teammates and the systems we manage are equipped for optimal performance.

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Reuben’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Western Governors University - Bachelor of Science, Cyber/Electronic Operations and Warfare


Cybersecurity, Coaching, Mentoring, Information Technology, Running, Fitness, AI,

Tutoring Subjects


Certified Ethical Hacker


CompTIA A+

CompTIA Security+

Cyber Security

MOS - Microsoft Office Specialist

Professional Certifications

Six Sigma

Technical Certifications

Technology and Coding

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