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Teaching Statement
Based on my academic experience, I have learned that there is no defined set of attributes for a teacher or a single approach that can be considered the best and thus simulated. Looking back at my experience, however, there are certain characteristics that have proven more effective, which I intend to follow as guiding principles.
First, I would strive to invoke a sense of curiosity among the students by showing how the subject relates to their daily lives and incorporating real-world examples and scenarios with textbook theoretical concepts. This is especially true for economics, where I feel there is a significant gap between theory and practice. For example, in my macroeconomics class, I tend to show actual data and discuss the behavior of major macroeconomic variables, while also plotting relationships between different variables. In one instance, I encouraged students to visit their local bank branches to gather information on deposit returns across different time horizons.
In addition to curiosity, I believe a teacher should be very structured in presenting the course material. My approach involves sequencing lectures with corresponding activities and problem sets to reinforce learning concepts. This allows me to continuously monitor the absorption and understanding of covered material before proceeding further. Based on this consistent feedback, I sometimes take a pause to revisit previous topics whenever necessary.
At the same time, I think it is crucial for an educator to connect with the students. This also helps students to approach the teacher with their queries, which they might otherwise avoid for fear of sounding naive. For this purpose, I intend to employ different strategies to be more accessible and approachable to students, such as designing slightly informal platforms like a chat box where students can have the option to ask questions rather than solely relying on formal office hours and appointments. I believe that a certain level of informality is conducive to learning as it helps to interact and establish a connection with the students. However, striking a nice balance without being overly friendly and excessively accommodative is important, without compromising on professional values.
Yet another trait that I have learned is that good teachers are always passionate about their subject and exude a warm, excited, and energetic presence in the class. Core concepts are often intricate and dense, and a cheerful presence can make the delivery of these concepts easier. In the end, a core and important pillar of my teaching approach would be to equip students with the necessary tools and confidence required for independent learning. This requires assigning individual projects, providing feedback on their work, and guiding them to the advanced material so that they eventually develop the necessary skills for producing independent and original work. Learning is essentially a lifelong process, and as an educator, I must also embrace the notion of lifelong learning myself, continually refining my teaching methodologies and remaining open to adapting my approach. By doing so, I can ensure that I stay effective in my role and provide the best possible learning experience for my students.

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Muhammad’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Graduate Degree: Clark University - Master of Economics, Applied Economics


Playing cricket and squash

Tutoring Subjects



CLEP Principles of Macroeconomics

CLEP Principles of Microeconomics

College Economics



Elementary School Math

High School Economics

IB Economics

IB Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches

IB Mathematics: Applications and Interpretation


Test Prep

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