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A photo of Christina, a tutor from University of Colorado Boulder


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I am a graduate student at American University, pursuing a Master's degree in Education Policy. Before starting my graduate studies, I spent the last year as a 6th grade math teacher, where I discovered a deep passion for helping students overcome challenges and reach their potential. My experience in the classroom has strengthened my commitment to addressing the systemic issues in education and advocating for policies that create equitable opportunities for all students.

I hold dual Bachelor's degrees in Business Management and Political Science from the University of Colorado Boulder, which have equipped me with a unique perspective on the intersection of education, policy, and administration. Throughout my academic and professional journey, I've also had the privilege of being a mentor, and I love supporting others as they pursue their goals. Whether in the classroom or through mentorship, I'm excited to continue empowering students and fostering environments where they can thrive.

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Christina’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Colorado Boulder - Bachelor in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management

Undergraduate Degree: University of Colorado Boulder - Bachelor of Science, Political Science and Government

Graduate Degree: American University - Masters in Education, Urban Education and Leadership


I love traveling, cooking, video games, knitting, and running!

Tutoring Subjects


Business Analytics

Business Enterprise

Business Ethics

Business Statistics

Business Writing

College Business

Cost Analysis

Data Analysis

High School Business

Human Resources

International Business




Middle School Math


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