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A photo of Fatema, a tutor from Florida Atlantic University


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I am dedicated about assisting young people in achieving their academic goals and developing confidence in their talents. My teaching style is compassionate, individualized, and aimed at establishing a conducive learning atmosphere. I think that with the right guidance, everyone can succeed, and I am devoted to assisting each student in reaching their full potential.

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Fatema’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Florida Atlantic University - Bachelor of Science, Biochemistry


Outside of tutoring, I have a strong desire to learn new things and explore new concepts through reading. I also value spending quality time with my family, since it keeps me grounded and fulfilled. These interests feed my passion for education and motivate me to offer excitement and devotion to each tutoring session.

Tutoring Subjects



College and University Admissions

College Application Essays

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing

Elementary Social Studies



Grade 10 Math

Grade 11 Math

High School Biology

High School English

High School Reading

High School Science

High School Writing


Medical Terminology


Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Word

Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Science

Middle School Social Studies

Middle School Writing





Social Studies


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