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A photo of Noah, a tutor from University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


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I am a Physics and Computer Science student at UNC Chapel Hill. I love tutoring because of the feeling when a topic finally clicks for a student. I believe that anyone can understand tough concepts with patience, effort, a unique perspective, and a helping hand.

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Noah’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill - Bachelor of Science, Physics


I enjoy personal fitness activities, especially lifting weights and long-distance running. I will play any sport, but my current fixations are golf and soccer. I love movies and tv shows; my current favorites are The Truman Show and South Park.

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Prep

ACT English

ACT Writing

AP Computer Science Principles

Calculus and Vectors

College Physics

Computer Science

Discrete Math


English Grammar and Syntax

Grade 10 Math

Grade 11 Math

Grade 9 Mathematics

High School Physics




Special Relativity

Technology and Coding

Test Prep

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