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Hi, my name is Ishan and I am a tutor focusing on college admissions help for students. I attend Brown School of Public Health currently for my MPH and recently graduated from Cornell University with a degree in Human Biology, Health, and Society. After assisting my younger friends and other students with college admissions, I really have fell in love with the process of applying! It is truly rewarding to be a part of the college journey with a student and see their dreams come true. I am also happy to help with subjects like Chemistry and Biology up to a college level and other core subjects up to a high school level.

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Ishan’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Degree: Cornell University - Bachelor, Human Biology Health and Society


Golf, Wrestling, Running Watching Football and Basketball Cooking l

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Science

ACT Writing


Anatomy & Physiology


Cell Biology

College and University Admissions

College Application Essays

Developmental Biology

Molecular Biology





Test Prep

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