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A photo of Patricia, a tutor from University of Phoenix


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I am a retired teacher of 21 years but still teach and tutor in person and online. I graduated from Texas Wesleyan with a Bachelors Degree and a Masters degree from the University of Phoenix in Elementary and Early Childhood Education. I am certified to teach/tutor Pre-K - 6th grade. I am working on a TESOL and a writing course at the present time. My favorite subject to teachltutor is ELA. Reading is so important in a child's life and their later adult life. I love the joy on their face when they accomplish reading even a short sentence:). I truly believe that all students can learn to the best of their ability. My teaching style is synonymous with State Standards but with much caring, understanding , and instilling the belief that they can and will succeed in school.

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Patricia’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Degree: University of Phoenix - Master's/Graduate, Early Childhood

State Certified Teacher


I love to read, especially suspense and old mystery noir. I make soaps and I can jams and jellies to sell at vendor events. I love vintage things, old movies, old books, crafts and jewelry making.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing

Elementary Social Studies



Social Studies


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