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A photo of Alyssa, a tutor from University of Scranton


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I am an attorney in the St. Louis area. I have practiced in multiple areas of law, but I enjoy corporate law the most. I obtained my law degree from the College of Law in Santa Barbara and the Charleston School of Law. I also have a Masters degree in Rehabilitation Counseling and a Bachelors in Psychology with a minor in Global Cultures and Languages. As a counselor, I primarily worked as a behavioral therapist, specializing in children with autism. I enjoy tutoring in multiple areas and believe that following your dreams and hard work always pays off.

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Alyssa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Degree: University of Scranton - Master's/Graduate, Rehabilitation Counseling


I love spending time with my family, playing with our dogs (Otis and Bailey), reading a good book and working out.

Tutoring Subjects

Academic Coaching

Bar Exam

Civil Procedure

Contract Law

Criminal Law

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading


Essay Editing

Family Law

Graduate Test Prep

High School Writing

Intellectual Property Law


Legal Research

Legal Writing

LSAT Essay Section

Middle School

Middle School Reading Comprehension


Professional Certifications

Property Law


Study Skills

Tort Law


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