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A photo of Kitana, a tutor from Thomas Nelson Community College


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Received AA and BS degree in Business Administration with concentration in I/O Psychology. Always had a passion for the education field and helping students succeed. I have previous experience working with Kindergarten students in the public school system. Currently I am serving college students as I take on my role in higher education.

I strongly believe education is power and want to help students reach their full potential.

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Kitana’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Thomas Nelson Community College - Associate in Arts, Business Administration and Management

Undergraduate Degree: Southern New Hampshire University - Bachelor in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management


-Watching movies -Spending time with my family -Listening to music

Tutoring Subjects

CLEP Introductory Psychology

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing

Elementary Social Studies


Essay Editing

Kindergarten Readiness


Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Word

Middle School Writing



Social Studies


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