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A photo of Craig, a tutor from University of Central Oklahoma


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It would be a great honor to teach you to achieve a fun understanding of the knowledge needed to be successful in a preferred subject.

My background is I started teaching in one of the largest high schools in the state of Oklahoma. Then I switched to the medical field as a Neurodiagnostic Technologists for the past 10 years which exponentially increased my knowledge in Physics and Science in general. In this position I would set up, what is called a montage to read brain waves as the Neurosurgeon would stimulate the area of the brain around the tumor while the patient is awake to determine if that area would cause a malfunction in speech or motor function. While the Neurosurgeon was doing this I would monitor the simulations to see if a patient would have what is called an discharge, if I observed an after-discharge I would alert the Neurosurgeon to stop so that the patient does not go into a seizure during the procedure, then the Neurosurgeon would apply cold saline, and as soon as the after-discharges went away, they would proceed with the simulation. I loved this job; it was so interesting. Now I am retired, and when covid hit I started getting into virtual teaching and I really enjoy it.
Throughout my teaching career I worked in the suburds , inner-city and private school districts which gives me a rare ability to adjust to any students learning capabilities and adapt the curriculum to meet every student's motivational and emotional needs, so they can become the best possible student they can be. I believe that if you make sure your teaching environment is positive, interactive, fun, and structured along with an open-door policy to make sure students feel comfortable in seeking help the learning issues they may be having can be overcome and this is when the learning can take off to the level a student would like to achieve.

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Craig’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Central Oklahoma - Bachelor of Education, Science Teacher Education

State Certified Teacher


Football, Riding my bicycle, Working on projects, and Being with my family as much as I can.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Physics 2

College Physics

Elementary School Math

Grade 11 Physics

Grade 12 Physics

IB Physics


Medical Terminology


Middle School Math


Physical Science



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