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A photo of Rochell, a tutor from The University of Texas at Tyler


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I am a graduate of The University of Texas at Tyler. I received my Bachelor of Arts in English and my master's in Educational Leadership. I am also a certified ESL instructor. I have spent my entire career tutoring students from a broad range of skill levels in all areas of English Language Arts. AP Language and Composition is my favorite subject. Helping struggling students has always been a passion of mine. Working with a learner as they finally master the skills/concepts they once felt would forever plague them keeps me rooted in the education field. In my spare time, I enjoy reading, Zumba, game nights with my family, and traveling.

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Rochell’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The University of Texas at Tyler - Bachelor of Science, English

Graduate Degree: Concordia University-Texas - Master of Science, Urban Education and Leadership

State Certified Teacher


My interests/hobbies include: Reading, Zumba Exercise, Spending Time with Family, Shopping and Cooking

Tutoring Subjects

AP English Language and Composition


High School English

Middle School English

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