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A photo of Zachary, a tutor from Lafayette College


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Helping students achieve confidence and understanding is the most rewarding job in the world. I've worked successfully in classrooms with elementary aged students, and tutored students up to college level. I always start by meeting my students at their level of experience and understanding so that we can work together to build up their skills. My favorite topics to teach are math and science, but I can help with nearly any K-12 subject.

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Zachary’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Lafayette College - Bachelor of Science, Physics

State Certified Teacher


Linoleum printing, music, gaming, current events, cooking

Tutoring Subjects

AP Physics 1

AP Physics 2

CogAT Prep

High School Physics


Physics 11

Physics 12

SAT Subject Test in Physics

SAT Subject Tests Prep


Test Prep

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