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A photo of Alyssa, a tutor from Wright State University-Main Campus


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With a BS in Statistics and experience as an actuary and an Algebra I Teacher, I have multiple years of tutoring and teaching math-related subjects such as Algebra, Linear Algebra, Calculus, Statistics, and General Chemistry. I love working with students to help them improve their understanding of mathematics! I will be working together collaboratively with the student to focus on areas where the student needs to improve, helping them build their confidence in the subject. Please reach out with any questions!

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Alyssa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Wright State University-Main Campus - Bachelor of Science, Statistics


I enjoy math, but in my spare time I also enjoy drawing, reading, and playing Genshin Impact! I also have recently been watching a lot of k-dramas, and am always taking recommendations to add to my watchlist.

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