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A photo of Robert, a tutor from Texas A&M University - College Station


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Hello, I am Dr. Robert J Nieschwietz. I started my professional career in 1991 with KPMG after graduating from Texas A&M University. After 4 years of public accounting, I decided to go into academia and went back to Texas A&M for my MS and then to Arizona State University for my PhD. Since then, I have held faculty positions in both the USA and internationally.

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Robert’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Degree: Texas A&M University - College Station - Bachelor, Accounting

Degree: Texas A&M University - College Station - Master's/Graduate, Accounting

Degree: Arizona State University - Doctorate (PhD), Accounting


Travel and Sports.

Tutoring Subjects


AIS - Associate in Insurance Services


College Accounting

Cost Accounting


CPA AUD - CPA Attestation and Auditing

CPA FAR - CPA Financial Accounting and Reporting

Financial Accounting

High School Accounting

Intermediate Accounting

Managerial Accounting

Personal Finance

Professional Certifications

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