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A photo of Allie, a tutor from Western Governors University


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I have been a registered nurse since 2018 and obtained my Bachelors in 2019. I hold two certifications which are of emergency nursing and trauma core nursing. I am currently enrolled in my Masters of Nursing Education. I have worked in both the surgical intensive care unit and emergency department. I have had the pleasure to precept and teach nursing graduates after they graduate school and are beginning their journey out in the real world. I currently hold a position as a circulating nurse in a cardiovascular operating room. I hope to make a difference in nursing students and graduates lives like teachers did for me!

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Allie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Western Governors University - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)

Graduate Degree: Walden University - Master of Science, Nursing (RN)


Although my little boy takes up the majority of my time, in my free time I enjoy visiting the beach and spending time with my family. My favorite hobby is to throw parties whether it be for somebody's birthday or for Christmas. I thoroughly enjoy when friends and families can come together and enjoy time together.

Tutoring Subjects



NCLEX-Practical Nurse

NCLEX-Registed Nurse


Professional Certifications

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