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A photo of Jessica, a tutor from Minnesota State University-Mankato


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I am currently a sophomore in college, majoring in computer information technology and minoring in psychology. Subjects I tutor in are reading and math, specifcially for students in grades kindergarten through third graders. I do have past experiences in tutoring, specfically reading for students kindergarten to fourth grade. I enjoy tutoring students because I enjoy helping others and meeting new people! I want to show students that learning can be fun and helpful!

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Jessica’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Minnesota State University-Mankato - Bachelor of Science, Computer and Information Sciences, General


During my free time, I enjoy programming especially games! I also enjoy watching movies and shows, in all different types of genres.

Tutoring Subjects

College Math

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing






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