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A photo of Vanessa, a tutor from George Mason University


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My past professional experience is in writing, editing & journalism. I've worked across all mediums from print to digital including Web-based freelance writing/editing & blogging as well as newspapers & high-distribution glossies.

I eventually left the publishing industry to start my own wellness business. My passion is helping people understand the mind-body connection. With 15 years in the wellness industry as a strength & weightlifting coach, stress management specialist & nutritionist, I've amassed a number of certifications that helped me expand my toolkit & help a broad range of people improve their quality of life. I learned how to prepare for those exams, what's expected & how to study in a comprehensive way so that you can use what you've learned in the field, instead of forgetting about it the moment you begin working. Second to the mind-body connection, is my passion for sharing knowledge. I love to teach others what I've learned so that they, too, can help people live a stronger, healthier life both physically & mentally. My experience as a competitive Olympic Weightlifter & coach has taught me about the intricacies of human movement, how to cue clients to get them to move safest & how to help people overcome longstanding injuries so they may lead an active lifestyle. I've combined this practical skill set with tools from my Neurolinguistic Programming certification that help peel back the layers of the subconscious mind, so that clients can achieve their goals, free of their inner critic or any other personal obstacle standing in their way. I've helped clients combat hypothyroidism, chronic fatigue, anxiety, metabolic dysfunction, lack of confidence & more. I look forward to passing this wisdom on to others.

Now, I combine both passions and have a health & wellness monthly column for an online publication, while working 1:1 with clients for improved mental, emotional & physical health.

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Vanessa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: George Mason University - Bachelor in Architecture, Journalism


Competitive Olympic Weightlifting Resistance training Neurolinguistic programming Jung philosophy Disco life Vinyl collecting Old-school metal/punk rock Horror movies

Tutoring Subjects


High School English


NASM - National Academy of Sports Medicine


Professional Certifications


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