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I have been working with kids since tutoring back in middle school until now serving as an elementary teacher. I have a passion for creating a work ethic within the children where they no longer believe in the phrase "I can't" but a "I can but it may take more work" mentality. My teaching philosophy is based on engaged learning rather than memorization. Memorization can be forgotten as quickly as it is learned, however if the learning is applied to an interest of the student it sticks longer. I enjoy tutoring students in math as it is fun to see the transition from concrete thinking (finger counting/manipulatives) into abstract thinking (word/application problems).

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Jordan’s Qualifications


Basically all sports Occasional Video Games Woodworking Business/Success Principles

Tutoring Subjects



Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing


High School Biology


Middle School

Middle School Math

Middle School Science






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