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A photo of Jenny, a tutor from Towson University


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My name is Jenny Toussaint and I am a Registered Nurse that understands the frustration nursing students experience when preparing to take the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX). You're no longer just looking for the "right" answer you're now looking for the "most right" answer, or "multiple right" answers. The benefits we offer future nurses include:

Eliminate the overwhelm of gathering and navigating through pages of confusing study material

Our content focuses on helping you accurately answer NCLEX-style questions

We cover the most complex topics and turn them into manageable chunks of information that is easy to understand.

We break down the most common acute, chronic, and infectious diseases, as well as the best procedures used in nursing practice.

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Jenny’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Towson University - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)


I enjoy educating those entering the healthcare field as well as nurses that need a refresher. I am proficient in many nursing related topics such as the following. Basic Life Support & Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation: CPR can dramatically improve a person’s chance of survival. I will teach you the proper techniques and guidelines of CPR. Cardiology: I will review how to care for patients experiencing the most common blood disorders, immune response related to the disease, and how to care for them confidently. Pulmonology - I will review the most common acute, chronic, and infectious-related respiratory diseases. With our study material, you can breathe easy when caring for your patients. Hematology & Nephrology: I review how to identify any abnormalities in fluids and electrolytes results and explain how to manage care for these patients confidently. Isolation Precautions: I will explain the transmission process of the disease, infectious control protocols, as well as methods to prevent the spread of infection Nursing Precautions - I can teach you how to properly and safely handle potentially contaminated equipment or surfaces in the environment. Obstetric - I will help you understand the most important risks and complications associated with pregancy, as well as things you need to know to care for a client before, during, and after pregnancy. Pediatric - Caring for a child requires prioritization, I will walk you through how to assess children of all ages and how to educate parents about the prevention of major illnesses. Dermatology - This skin is the largest organ in our body and is our major protection for infection. I will walk you through some of the most common skin diseases and how to care for those patients. Orthopedist - I will help you understand how different diseases affect a patient’s ability to care for themselves appropriately. Medical-Surgical - I will teach you how to identify any changes or abnormalities in patient before, during, and after surgery and how to manage care for those patients confidently. Gastroenterology - I will teach you the difference between some of the most common GI disorders and how to identify when your patient experiences abnormalities. Gastroenterology - I will teach you the difference between some of the most common GI disorders and how to identify when your patient experiences abnormalities. Endocrinology - Hormones are responsible for regulating nearly every basic function of our body. We will explore what happens when each gland is overactive or underactive. Neurology - I will walk you through how to assess the neurosystem as well as how to identify and manage the most important neurosensory disorders. Psychology - We will cut through the chaos of psychistry and bring a clear understanding to the different types of disorders, as well as how to safely and effectively care for patients who suffer from a mental health disorders. Pharmacology - I help you to understand medications commonly used in nursing and medical terminology. Leadership & Management: I will teach you to implement leadership techniques by developing effective communication skills, proper delegation skills, and improve team productivity. I offer 'Study Guide Solutions' that provide practice questions, answers and rational in the categories of management of care, pharmacological therapies, basic care and comfort, reduction of risk potential, safety and infection control, health promotion and maintenance.

Tutoring Subjects


College Biology


Medical Ethics

Medical Terminology




Professional Certifications


Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

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