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A photo of Alison, a tutor from Abilene Christian University


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I offer tutoring in all levels and areas of music theory, AP Music Theory course and testing materials, music appreciation, state-certification exam materials, and any choral or instrumental class materials. I have 20 years of teaching experience in multiple subject areas of music, including test preparation for music entrance/exit exams. I consider exam preparation to by my greatest strength in teaching. With so many years of experience in classrooms from early elementary through college, I have a wide range of knowledge and familiarity with exam standards.

I graduated from Abilene Christian University with a Bachelor's in Music Education, and I am currently a certified classroom teacher in the state of Texas. My certification is PreK-12 in Vocal and Instrumental Music. I have taught choral music in the public schools of Texas and Oklahoma to grades PreK-12 and have also served as assistant band director at the middle school and high school levels.

During my time in the choral music classroom, I taught AP Music Theory at Conroe High School. I received my Master's in Music Theory from the University of Oklahoma. I taught on the music theory faculty at Sam Houston State University for five years, where I taught all levels of Music Theory and Sight Singing/Ear Training to music majors, and Music Appreciation to non-majors, both in-person and online. I am a professional accompanist in the local area, and I currently teach private voice and piano lessons.

Teaching is my passion, no matter what type of classroom setting I'm in. I feel that I am able to reach students just as personally online as in person, and I firmly believe that every student can have a solid understanding of the course or exam materials. I take as many approaches as I can to reach each one of my students as an individual learner, and I always find a way to share a bond with them that will aid in their success.

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Alison’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Abilene Christian University - Bachelor in Arts, Music Teacher Education

Graduate Degree: University of Oklahoma Norman Campus - Master of Arts, Music Theory and Composition


As a musician, I love to play piano not just professionally but for enjoyment and relaxation. I am a vocalist who loves to perform everywhere from the shower to the stage. I am generally listening to music with most things I do throughout the day. I have very eclectic taste. I have always been an avid reader. I prefer non-fiction, but try to keep a well-balanced palate of reading materials. I listen to a lot of audiobooks while I am on the go. I love to be outside in nature, and I walk at least a mile each day. I currently live in a National Forest, which has the most amazing birds and beautiful trees. I love to garden, and I have three dogs and three cats. My kids and I enjoy making a good cat meme or pet video compilation just for fun.

Tutoring Subjects

AP Music Theory




Fine Arts

IB Music

Middle School


Music Theory


Performing Arts


Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Visual Arts

Vocal Training


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