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A photo of Colleen, a tutor from Viterbo University


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Colleen Welter

I received my undergraduate degrees from Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois, and Viterbo University, La Crosse, Wisconsin. I hold an Associate Degree in Art and a Bachelor of Science in Education and Early Childhood

While my years of teaching have covered a broad range of topics, my tutoring areas of focus include Reading, Organization and Study Skills, Civics, History, Geography, and Art.

My favorite subject to tutor is Social Studies. Its themes represent nothing less than the knowledge of human beingsall of us! How we function together, build communities, and make laws that are equitable to all. It offers an endless opportunity to learnthrough historyhow we've treated each other and perhaps make some positive changes, not just in the students' life, but in the world.

My teaching philosophy and tutoring style is to show students you care about them and are willing to accept them for who they are. I like to think that demonstrating empathy helps to sense other people's emotions and what they might be thinking or feeling. It's my experience that when you build an authentic, caring relationship on a foundation of empathy, a mutual respect develops along the way, and this is especially important when working with children and vulnerable populations. And I love itand feel my approach is validatedwhen I run into a former student and, not only do they remember the impact I had upon them, they often gush with excitement when telling me I was their favorite teacher.

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Colleen’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Viterbo University - Bachelor of Science, Elementary School Teaching


Outside of teaching, my favorite activities are continuously learning, drawing and painting, reading, and gardening. Working with my hands and clearing my mind to stay fresh and active helps me to feel energized and ready to take on new challenges, while providing a needed work-life balance.

Tutoring Subjects




Elementary School



Middle School

Middle School Social Studies



Social Studies

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

US Constitutional History

Visual Arts

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