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A photo of Melissa, a tutor from Pace University-New York


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I have tutored Accounting for a few years. I have taught Financial, Managerial, Cost, and Intermediate accounting. I enjoyed tutoring because it is a great feeling to share knowledge. Tutoring is more than just learning a topic but it also can help build a student's confidence. Every person has a different learning style. I try my best to adapt my tutoring skills based on that individuals needs.

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Melissa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Pace University-New York - Bachelor in Business Administration, Business Administration and Management


Reading, Skiing, Kayaking, Fishing, Cooking, Road trips, Theme parks, and Traveling.

Tutoring Subjects



Business Analytics

Business Calculus

Business Enterprise

Business Statistics

College Accounting

College Business

Corporate Finance

Cost Accounting

Cost Analysis



Financial Accounting

High School Accounting

Intermediate Accounting



Managerial Accounting


Personal Finance

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