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A photo of Dominique, a tutor from Lesley University


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I have been a classroom teacher for the past 2 years and have recently transitioned to working in the non-profit setting as my full-time job. During my time as a classroom teacher, I taught students in grades 1 & 2 in both a fully remote, hybrid and fully in person setting so I have a wide range of experience working in all different settings with my students. I am very familiar with teaching remotely and have a strong passion for literacy particularly phonics, reading, and writing. I have 3 degrees: my undergraduate degree is from Lesley University in both Creative Writing and Elementary Education. My graduate degree is from Salem State University in Reading Instruction. I believe in teaching students with authentic material that will make them excited to learn. Learning through stories is one of my most excited passions and hope my students get excited about it too! Outside of teaching and working with children, I enjoy being in the outdoors taking walks, relaxing in my backyard, spending time with my husband, family, friends, and dog as well as reading and traveling. My latest travels have been to Hawaii and California! I'm very upbeat and energetic and would love to work with you!

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Dominique’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Lesley University - Bachelor in Arts, Elementary School Teaching

Graduate Degree: Salem State University - Masters in Education, Reading Teacher Education


~ taking walks ~ spending time with my husband, family, friends and dog ~ traveling ~ reading in my backyard ~ tennis ~ enjoying the outdoors in any way ~ beach and swimming

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing



Middle School English

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension





Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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