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A photo of Tracie, a tutor from St. Andrews University


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I am an undergraduate at St. Andrew's University. I received a Bachelor of Art degree, as well as a certification to teach K-6 education. I went on to receive a Master of School Administration with a Curriculum Certification Specialist degree from the University of North Carolina at Pembroke. Also, I have a Reading Certification for K-12. I have taught 4th and 5th grades, as well as tutored kindergarten through twelfth grade. I have instructed students in literacy, math, science, social students and test taking strategies. Also, I have traveled to Asia, Central America, and New Zealand, so have worked with many cultures. I hope to educate and give lifelong learning skills to ones I work with.

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Tracie’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: St. Andrews University - Bachelor in Arts, English

Graduate Degree: University of North Carolina at Pembroke - Masters in Education, Educational, Instructional, and Curriculum Supervision


Outside of education, I like Crossfit and equestrian sports. I love learning new things!

Tutoring Subjects

Certified Reading Intervention

Elementary School

Elementary School English

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing


Learning Differences


Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing




Reading Intervention

Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization


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