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A photo of Cody, a tutor from Villanova University


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I believe that each and every person is endowed with curiosity and a desire to learn. I believe that the ultimate drivers for success are persistence, tenacity, and a desire to keep expanding one's mind. My academic background ranges from across the sciences as I see a necessity to integrate ideas across the sciences in order to generalize and construct a holistic worldview that can be maintained across difference disciplines. My goal is uplift and instill in you the qualities that will drive you to find success wherever you may land.

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Cody’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Villanova University - Bachelor of Science, Science Technology


Soccer, golf, Formula 1, swimming, exercise, video games, pickleball

Tutoring Subjects

ACT Writing





College Physics

High School Biology

High School Physics


Middle School




Special & General Relativity

Test Prep

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