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A photo of Jennifer, a tutor from Eastern Illinois University


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I believe the best financial investment you can make is investing in yourself! My love of learning and sharing my wisdom shines through my positive energy-my students give me the greatest gratification when they are overcoming learning roadblocks-I tutor a broad range of subjects including Professional Certifications, Insurance License, NMLS, SIE, and Series 6.
I am a graduate of Eastern Illinois University. I received my Master of Science Degree and Bachelor of Arts Degree in Family and Consumer Science with a Minor in Business Administration. I have over 20 Years of sales, leadership, mentoring and coaching in the Financial Services field-which includes -Mortgage Branch Management, VP of Membership, Top Mortgage Production Sales Performer, Financial Advisor, Life & Health Agent and Medicare Health Agent. I focus on explaining real-life business experience examples so students understand how certification questions relate to situations they may encounter in the future. I enjoy sharing my tips and tools on how keep your "mind-over-matter" when taking exams!

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Jennifer’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Eastern Illinois University - Bachelor of Science, Family and Consumer Sciences

Graduate Degree: Eastern Illinois University - Master of Science, Family and Consumer Sciences


In my spare time, I enjoy collecting shells on the beautiful Florida beaches, swimming, walking our dogs, bargain shopping, and trying new recipes.

Tutoring Subjects

Insurance License

NMLS - Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System

Professional Certifications

Series 6


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