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A photo of Vita, a tutor from University of Florida


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Education is powerful. I first began to understand the influence of mentorship while still a student in primary school myself, but even more so one summer at a small arts school in Riverview, Florida. It was incredible to experience how each student would create their own unique work; beautiful ideas I truly would never have been able to imagine. We even collaborated on an inclusive community project that showed me children and young adults are profoundly intuitive and intelligent. We can all learn and work together. These experiences impacted my perspective and inspired me to continue teaching. I have been an educator since 2017 throughout various private and public elementary, middle, and high schools.

I am a University of Florida alumni and graduated in 2019 with a Bachelor's of Science in Environmental Management. Since then, I have worked on multiple shoreline, land, and water conservation projects, as a biological specialist with endangered gopher tortoises and burrowing owls, and am currently creating visual mixed media art with natural or found materials. My brand, Volta Vita, strives to change your perspective on the relationship between society and nature through concepts of movement and unity. I also enjoy playing volleyball, all music types, a good chess match, and cats.

I love teaching art and science!! My teaching style is primarily interpersonal and visual with guidance through verbal and logical reasoning. I am very patient, easy going, and good humored. It would be my pleasure to tutor you!!

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Vita’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Florida - Bachelor of Science, Environmental Studies


Creating Art Swimming Volleyball Hiking/ Camping Exploring Listening to Music

Tutoring Subjects

AP Studio Art: Drawing


Art Hour



Fine Arts

High School Biology

IB Visual Arts


Middle School

Middle School Math

Middle School Science




Visual Arts

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