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A photo of Brooklynn, a tutor from Southern Regional Technical College


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I am a critical care nurse that is dedicated to helping students reach their future goals in the medical field. I currently work in the ICU in Austin, Tx, and specialize in shock trauma. I received my associate's degree in nursing at Southern Regional Technical College in Thomasville, Ga. I recently decided to future my education and currently in the MSN- family nurse practitioner program at the University of Texas at Arlington. Upon applying for nursing school I had a 4.0 GPA and maintained an A/B average throughout my nursing school career. I am very familiar with the NCLEX and have a passion for helping New graduates obtain their nursing licenses. I am also qualified to tutor nursing classes along with prerequisites.

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Brooklynn’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Southern Regional Technical College - Associate in Nursing, Nursing (RN)


Outside of my career, I enjoy doing outdoor things such as going on hikes, kayaking and taking the boat out on the lake. I also enjoy fitness and crossfit.

Tutoring Subjects

Medical Ethics

Medical Terminology



NCLEX-PN Prep Course

NCLEX-RN Prep Course


Professional Certifications

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