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A photo of Jesse, a tutor from Columbia College-Chicago


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I am a graduate of Columbia College Chicago with a BA in interdisciplinary studies, and I've been and artist, performer, and educator in based in Chicago for 15 years. I've worked in an artistic capacity with many different groups including Chicago Artist's Month and International Children's Film Festival, as well as countless independent music and theatre performances.
I've worked in many different educational settings professionally; including managing some of the most challenging unstructured time with students like before and after school programs, recess and lunch, as well as summer day camp programs.
It's my goal as an educator to be a bridge that creates intersectional access to students of all backgrounds and identities; be they personal, cultural, economic, or otherwise.
Education for me is about connecting with people under the auspice of sharing knowledge, and as such creating a reciprocal relationship that suits the students' needs is of paramount importance. In other words, I hope to learn as much from my students as they learn from me!
I know each person has different interests, and it's my job to develop those interests and manifest them into new exciting attitudes towards learning and other creative superpowers waiting for a chance to emerge.
My interests include art and music. I've been a freelance artist and musician since I was young and I have a lot of real world experience performing at different venues such as House of Blues Chicago, either as a drummer, vocalist, and occasionally acting and performance art
I'm extremely passionate about making art more accessible to young people, and I love to teach in the classic mediums of drawing and sculpting. In my spare time I love to practice Martial Arts, go running, or even do a bit of Parkour.

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Jesse’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Columbia College-Chicago - Bachelor in Arts, Visual and Performing Arts, General


Art, Drawing, Illustration, Comic-Books, Sculpting, Painting, Writing, Music, Singing, Percussion, Rock/Blues/Jazz Drumming. Martial Arts, Stage Combat, Toys and Games, Collectables, Sewing, Toy Making, Wood Working, Acting, Performance, Cycling, Running

Tutoring Subjects



Drum and Percussion

Elementary School

Elementary School Writing


High School Writing

Middle School

Middle School Reading

Middle School Writing





Study Skills

Study Skills and Organization

Visual Arts


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