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A photo of Yekaterina, a tutor from Florida International University


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As an A/R/Tographer I believe that art making, research, and teaching go hand in hand. Creatively, my process involves experimentation and non-traditional media. I believe in the importance of play, experimentation, failure, and revision. As a life-long learner, I search for new techniques to teach my students and consistently encourage them to experiment with new thoughts and media. I enjoy learning and incorporating Contemporary art into my daily teaching and art practice. I also believe in the power of art contests for myself and for my students. Participating in local, national, and international contests is a great way to exhibit artwork. There is nothing more gratifying than being proud of your work.

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Yekaterina’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Florida International University - Bachelor in Arts, Arts, General

Graduate Degree: University of Florida - Master of Arts, Art Teacher Education


Spending time with my family.

Tutoring Subjects



Fine Arts

Graphic Design


Technology and Coding

Visual Arts

Web Design

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