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A photo of Loren, a tutor from Florida Atlantic University


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I am a graduate of Florida Atlantic University. I received my Bachelor of Science in Physics. I will be starting a Master's degree in Climate Science this fall at George Mason University. I tutor math and physics, but I am most passionate about high school physics. I was a peer mentor in college, helping fellow physics majors with navigating hectic university life. Equitable education is important to me, as I myself struggle with 3 learning disabilities (ADHD, auditory processing disorder, and dyscalculia), and I believe that it is necessary for everyone to have the same opportunities to prove themselves, so I try to provide my students with the same learning tips and tricks that I've gained and been taught throughout my academic career. In my free time, I enjoy playing a multitude of musical instruments, reading, and painting.

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Loren’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Florida Atlantic University - Bachelor of Science, Physics


My interests and hobbies include rock collecting, reading, painting, and photography. I am an avid music listener, and I collect memorabilia for my favorite bands. I also love anything science fiction.

Tutoring Subjects




College Algebra

College Physics

Earth Science


High School Physics


Mechanical Engineering

Middle School Math



Statics and Dynamics

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