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A photo of Steven, a tutor from University of South Carolina-Columbia


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You need help with words or numbers? I have a BA in Literature, and MBA.

You might think a native-speaker is the best foreign-language tutor. Wrong! Here's why: a child learns their native-language the easy way: born into it, so doesn't know what it's like to be an American kid trying to learn a foreign-language in a classroom.

I'm the first in my family to speak any foreign-language at all, and I learned three, THE HARD WAY, in a classroom, just like you! So, I know what it's like to be you. Now I speak: fluent French, fluent German, good Russian, some Italian, learning each one THE HARD WAY, in school, just like you!

From the perspective of an American kid trying to learn a foreign-language in a classroom, or ANYTHING INVOLVING WORDS OR NUMBERS, let me show you how to succeed or at least pass the tests.

For more details about my experience with words or numbers, go here:

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Steven’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of South Carolina-Columbia - Bachelor in Arts, French

Graduate Degree: University of South Carolina-Columbia - Masters in Business Administration, German


Alpha-Meditation, Yogic-Breathing, Juicing, Paleo, Keto, Intermittent Fasting, Super-Slow Weight-Training, Martial Arts, Jungian Archetypes, MBTI, Lucid-Dreaming, Snow-Skiing, Argentine Tango

Tutoring Subjects



Business Writing

College Application Essays

College Economics


Elementary School English

Elementary School Reading


Essay Editing

Expository Writing

Financial Accounting


High School English


Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Writing



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