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Hey! My name is Ricky Coyne, and I'm a recent graduate of Temple University with a Bachelors of Arts in Economics. I am currently serving as an Americorps Member through a program called City Year, where I provide academic and social support for sixth and seventh graders struggling with math literacy. I am planning to apply to law school after my service year, with a long-term plan of working in public service in DC. I am currently serving as a math tutor, but I am also trained to teach economics, history, political science/government, and english.

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Ricky’s Qualifications


Outside of my time in the classroom, I enjoy long bike rides, rock climbing, watching/playing baseball, and reading random books from local bookstores.

Tutoring Subjects


College Economics


Elementary School Math


High School Economics

High School English


Middle School English

Middle School Math

Middle School Reading

Middle School Reading Comprehension

Middle School Writing


SAT 4-Week Prep Class Prep

Test Prep


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