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A photo of Dikisha, a tutor from University of Phoenix-Tulsa Campus


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I am a non-traditional college graduate. I obtain my Medical Assistant certification in 2000. My career goals were to work for 5 years in a clinical setting, then go back to school. Life happen and I got off course a bit, but finally enrolled back in school in 2009. I am proud to say I completed and obtained my Bachelor in Health care Administration. It felt good to complete a educational goal I set and finished to show my daughter what hard work looks like for a single parent. I knew I wanted to obtain my Master's and once again I got off course, and did not want to miss my daughter's high school years. As a proud parent, "she is my world. She is currently enrolled in school to be a Specialty Physician." I did finally enroll again in school and obtain that Master's in 2018.

I have worked in the educational sector since 2014 and I love helping students complete courses to help them also obtain his or her Medical Assistant certification. Even though I play a small role in helping each student the rewards are always a BIG accomplishment for us both.

I also instruct Phlebotomy courses. I get really excited about locating the vein and getting a success stick.

I have to quotes that I LIVE by:
"Never suffer in silence."
(ask as many questions as it takes to get a better of understanding to the best you can be).

"What doesn't kill you makes you STRONGER"
(Every day is a NEW start, keep pushing.)

I enjoy music, it helps take your mind off the challenges in life.
Dancing, helping you stay a healthier while having FUN.
I am a Compassionate person that loves to help others. I also love
spending time with family and friends to make great memories.

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Dikisha’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: University of Phoenix-Tulsa Campus - Bachelor of Science, Health Services Administration

Graduate Degree: Colorado Technical University-Online - Master in Management, Health Management and Clinical Assistance


Medical shows (ie: Good Doctor & Grey's Anatomy) Dancing Traveling

Tutoring Subjects

Certified Medical Assistant Exam

Professional Certifications

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