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A photo of Brenda, a tutor from CWPost


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I have been a nurse for over 4 decades. I am a graduate of a diploma program, have completed a BSN and will finish my MSN this fall (2021). I have a varied background in care of patients with renal disease, general surgery, renal transplant, critical care and clinical informatics. I am passionate about nursing and providing safe, quality patient care.

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Brenda’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: CWPost - Bachelor of Science, Nursing (RN)

Graduate Degree: SUNY Empire State - Master of Science, Nursing (RN)


I am actively involved in the scouting program as an adult leader and trainer for the past 30+ years

Tutoring Subjects

Emergency Medicine

Health Care Administration

Health Care Policy



NCLEX-Registed Nurse


Professional Certifications

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