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A photo of Marie Lamontagne, a tutor from Chamberlain College of Nursing-Illinois

Marie Lamontagne

Certified Tutor

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My goal is to help you be successful and meet the goals you have set for yourself. I have recently obtained my DNP at Chamberlain College of Nursing. I also, received my BSN and MSN at Chamberlain. I have been a nurse since 2009 and love nursing! I have a nurse educator for over five years and find it rewarding when the students put all the pieces together! Along wit teaching nursing one students I provide support/ Tutoring to students in other levels. Not all students learn the dame way and that is why I adapt my teaching techniques to each individual student.

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Marie Lamontagne’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Chamberlain College of Nursing-Illinois - Bachelor in City Planning, Nursing (RN)


Spending time with my husband and dogs by the pool. I enjoy relaxing and enjoying the beautiful weather.

Tutoring Subjects

Medical Terminology



NCLEX-PN Prep Course

NCLEX-RN Prep Course


Professional Certifications

Public Health

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