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A photo of Julien, a tutor from The Texas AM University System Office


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I am a Texas A&M graduate. I received my Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering with a minor in Computer Science and a certificate of Safety Engineering.
I am passionate about empowering students achieve their academic goals and fostering a healthy learning experience.
I was a peer teacher for a college freshmen engineering course and held weekly workshops to help students with school work even outside of engineering. Besides teaching courses related to my field of study, being a French citizen, I am also eager to tutor students on my native language!

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Julien’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The Texas AM University System Office - Bachelor of Science, Chemical Engineering


I enjoy travelling, music and fitness. Trying different foods and learning about different cultures also come from my passion for travel. I also like board games, strategy games and puzzles.

Tutoring Subjects


AP French Language and Culture


Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering


Chemistry (in French)

Computer Programming

Conversational French



French 1

French 2

French 3

French 4

Intermediate Algebra




Math (in French)


Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Office


Physics (in French)


Programming Languages

SAT Subject Test in French with Listening

SAT Subject Tests Prep


Technology and Coding

Test Prep


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