I am currently a student at the University of Texas at Austin, where I will be a senior Biology Major on the pre-medical track in the fall. When I first got to college, the pre-medical courses I was taking were very difficult for me. I had never had a tutor before, and I had a hard time asking others for help. However, once I did, the tutors that I had quite literally changed how I studied and learned material. Specifically, a tutor that I had in Organic Chemistry really changed my entire perspective on it. He showed me new ways to learn the material, motivated me when I was doubting myself, and was always there to ask questions if needed. His encouragement is the reason I started to believe in myself, put in extra hours, and excel in all of my courses. By the end of Organic Chemistry that year, I knew the material so well that I ended up being able to go to office hours and correct the teaching assistants on their mistakes. After this experience, I realized the immense impact that tutors can have on others, and I really wanted nothing more than to help people who were struggling like I once was.
Earlier this year, a girl reached out to me for private tutoring in Organic Chemistry, and I literally jumped at the opportunity to finally be able to share my knowledge. Throughout the semester, I enjoyed preparing for the sessions just as much as I enjoyed working with her. Because I have been through such similar experiences and struggles with the course, I was able to connect with her on a deeper level. I gave her mini-lectures on subject material she was confused on, worked through her homework with her, and assisted her with test preparations. Since I studied for the course so in-depth, I had multitudes of study guides, practice problems, and hand-crafted worksheets to give to her. It was a great feeling to be able to share my hard work with someone in need, and open their eyes to understanding the material in new ways. I enjoyed the sessions so much that I felt it was time to reach out to a tutoring platform that would allow me to interact with more students than I normally would be exposed to.
Overall, I am passionate about helping students because I literally once was in their shoes. I know how impactful a good tutor can be, and I want nothing more than to become that person for others. As was mentioned above, I have a passion for tutoring Organic Chemistry, but I also am tutoring in Biochemistry, College and High School Biology, Cell Biology, Chemistry, Science, AP and regular Psychology, MCAT Biology & Psychology, and ACT reading. I truly love to tutor others in any of these subjects, and I would love the opportunity to share some of my knowledge and materials with anyone in need!