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A photo of Tironza, a tutor from Columbia College


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I am a graduate of Columbia College where Bachelor of Arts degree in Elementary Education. Additionally I received a Master in Education degree from Lesley University. I have been a teacher for 18 years. 14 of those years, I devoted my time in the classroom as a full time teacher. The most recent 4 years I transitioned to being a Math Interventionist. Being a teacher has been a rewarding experience for me. Knowing that I have helped shape and nurture students has filled my heart with joy and contentment. Most recently as a Math Interventionist, I was able to work 1:1 or in a small group with students. Also, I was able to tailor lessons to meet their learning needs and help them build and enhance their number sense/fluency. Many students were afraid to struggle or make mistakes. I help to build their confidence and reassured them that mathematicians will make mistake and struggle from time to time. My job as an educator has always been to motivate students to become independent thinkers and confident learners. These are the qualities they need to have in order to be successful individuals in society.

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Tironza’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Columbia College - Bachelor in Arts, Elementary School Teaching

Graduate Degree: Lesley University - Master of Arts, Education


My hobbies include traveling with my family, shopping for my daughter and exercising.

Tutoring Subjects


Art Hour

Elementary Reading and Phonics Class

Elementary School

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Science

Elementary School Writing


Late Elementary Reading Comprehension




Pre-Reading Super Skills Class


Reading Comprehension Class

Reading Fundamentals: Phonics and Decoding


Spelling, Grammar, and Writing Skills Class


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