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A photo of Anthony, a tutor from Washington State University


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I've spent almost three years working as a research and development mechanical engineer for the U.S. Navy, and am one semester away from receiving my Master's in Mechanical Engineering from Mississippi State University. I've always been a people-person, and between my professional job, educational journey, and life as an international-touring musician, I have much experience with teaching-style interactions from people all over the world! All throughout college I worked as a tutor in the campus tutoring center, and continued freelance tutoring even after graduation and into my professional career. Helping and communicating with people is what I absolutely love to do, and I believe I'm very good at it. I always keep an open mind, an abundance of enthusiasm, and a willingness to strive for excellence!

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Anthony’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Washington State University - Bachelor of Science, Mechanical Engineering

Graduate Degree: Mississippi State University - Master of Science, Mechanical Engineering


When not working or attending classes, I am an internationally-touring guitarist and singer. I play with rock bands primarily, though I've done some hired-gun tours with the singer-songwriter and Americana styles. Music is my second passion! Before professionally working, I was a music instructor for all ages (I had a student who was 5 and another who was 65). Moreover, I'm an avid golfer, and have been for my entire life. A 4-year Letterman in the sport, actually! I'm also a soccer and badminton player and am known to lift weights from time to time!

Tutoring Subjects

Algebra 2


College Physics




Mechanical Engineering

Microsoft Office





Statics and Dynamics

Technology and Coding


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