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A photo of Larissa, a tutor from Fashion Institute of Technology


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This May, I graduated from Fashion Institute of Technology with a BFA in Illustration, as well as having obtained an Associate's. I have had five years of art studies, but it was when I was a child that I became interested. I have been in love with art since preschool and it was my wonderful teachers and tutors growing up that encouraged me to continue doing what I love for the rest of my life, which is anything art related. I would also love to encourage kids of all ages to have fun with art because it is an amazing way to learn about the world, as well as creatively express ourselves. I have three years of experience as being a camp counselor and I have always had so much fun talking to children because the passion for the subjects that we are learning together always comes out and makes moments memorable. In my spare time, I enjoy planting flowers inside and painting subjects that inspire me.

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Larissa’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: Fashion Institute of Technology - Bachelor in Arts, Illustration


I love to paint, sketch, garden, and hike!

Tutoring Subjects

AP Studio Art: 2-D Design

AP Studio Art: 3-D Design

AP Studio Art: Drawing


College English

Creative Writing


Elementary School Math


Essay Editing

High School English

High School Writing


Middle School Math

Visual Arts


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