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A photo of Veronica, a tutor from The College of New Rochelle


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As a teacher, I hope to motivate students to do their best and extend their own personal limits. By expanding upon previous knowledge exploring new, uncharted territory, students increase their career opportunities and future personal successes greatly. In my classroom students are encouraged to commit to a level of performance that challenges them to reach their full potential. My expectations of my students are high, and by the end of the school year students realize they can achieve any goal set before them. This is a valuable lesson that they can apply to their lives beyond classroom.

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Veronica’s Qualifications

Education & Certification

Undergraduate Degree: The College of New Rochelle - Bachelor in Arts, Religious Studies

Graduate Degree: Adelphi University - Masters in Education, Elementary School Teaching


My hobbies are attending Baseball, Basketball, Football and Soccer games. I am a huge sports fanatic! My quiet sides enjoys walks on the beach, attending Broadway plays (in New York) , watching the Food Network and then attempting to make the meals at home for my family.

Tutoring Subjects

Elementary School Math

Elementary School Reading

Elementary School Writing





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